Dog tear stains are a common problem, and one that can be a big problem for dog shovelers. Because of the existence of tears, dogs with two dark marks under the eyes, the original clean and beautiful dog was forced to reduce their appearance level, affect the appearance, serious will threaten the...
1. Meat and its by-products.
Meat consists of animal muscles, intermuscular fat, muscle sheaths, tendons and blood vessels. Meat is a good source of iron and some B vitamins, especially niacin, B1, B2 and B12. With this kind of food feeding edge dog, palatability is good, high digestibility, rapi...
1. What pet food is best for my pet?
Pet food should be produced by a reputable company, suitable for a particular species and a particular stage of life, with a well-rounded and balanced diet (providing all essential nutrients in the right amounts and proportions). Other factors that may influen...
Cats also suffer from rabies, and the symptoms are similar to dogs. During the mania phase, cats will go into hiding and attack people or other animals that come near them. The pupil will dilate, the back will be arched, the PAWS will be extended, the continuous meow will become hoarse. ...
-What is Feline Herpesvirus?
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) is a disease caused by a viral infection, and this disease is highly contagious. This infection mainly affects the upper respiratory tract. Where is the upper respiratory tract? That’s the nose, pharynx and throat.
What kind o...
For sensitive cats, it’s safe to keep all of their PAWS on the ground and have the ability to move on their own. Being picked up by someone with their PAWS off the ground can make them feel uneasy and fearful. If the cat is not picked up properly, it can not only be scratched/bitten, but al...