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The Do’s And Don’ts For How Long You Can Leave a Dog Alone
Written by: Hank Champion Whether you’re getting a new puppy or adopting an adult dog, you’re bringing a new family member into your life. While you may want to be with your new buddy all the time, responsibilities like work, family and errands can force you to leave your dog alone at home. Tha...Read more -
How Do You Stop a Dog from Pulling on the Leash?
Written By Rob Hunter Who’s walking who? If you’ve ever asked that proverbial question about yourself and your own dog, you are not alone. Leash-pulling is not only a common behavior for dogs, it’s arguably a natural, instinctive one. Still, leashed walks are better for you and your pup if you’...Read more -
Ten Epidemic Emergency Measures Pet lovers must See!
Due to repeated outbreaks, many places in China have started containment policies to prevent the spread of the virus. As the number of confirmed cases increases and quarantine areas increase, “safe return home” has become a daily prayer for many defecators. In case of sudden isolation...Read more -
How to Solve the Problem of Dog Tears?
Dog tear stains are a common problem, and one that can be a big problem for dog shovelers. Because of the existence of tears, dogs with two dark marks under the eyes, the original clean and beautiful dog was forced to reduce their appearance level, affect the appearance, serious will threaten the...Read more -
Dog | Border Collie Homemade Dog Food Indispensable Four Kinds of food
1. Meat and its by-products. Meat consists of animal muscles, intermuscular fat, muscle sheaths, tendons and blood vessels. Meat is a good source of iron and some B vitamins, especially niacin, B1, B2 and B12. With this kind of food feeding edge dog, palatability is good, high digestibility, rapi...Read more -
Q&A| Pet Feeding Problems
1. What pet food is best for my pet? Pet food should be produced by a reputable company, suitable for a particular species and a particular stage of life, with a well-rounded and balanced diet (providing all essential nutrients in the right amounts and proportions). Other factors that may influen...Read more