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CAT | Top 10 common Cat Diseases and How to Prevent Them
1.Rabies Cats also suffer from rabies, and the symptoms are similar to dogs. During the mania phase, cats will go into hiding and attack people or other animals that come near them. The pupil will dilate, the back will be arched, the PAWS will be extended, the continuous meow will become hoarse. ...Read more -
What is Feline Herpesvirus?
-What is Feline Herpesvirus? Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) is a disease caused by a viral infection, and this disease is highly contagious. This infection mainly affects the upper respiratory tract. Where is the upper respiratory tract? That’s the nose, pharynx and throat. What kind o...Read more -
Do You Know How to Hold A Cat Properly?
For sensitive cats, it’s safe to keep all of their PAWS on the ground and have the ability to move on their own. Being picked up by someone with their PAWS off the ground can make them feel uneasy and fearful. If the cat is not picked up properly, it can not only be scratched/bitten, but al...Read more -
How to properly care for a pregnant cat?
You must be happy and excited when your cat suddenly has a baby. So how do you take care of your cat when she has a baby? Today, how to properly care for a pregnant cat. First of all, we need to make sure is that the cat is actually pregnant, and sometimes cats have false pregnancies. After con...Read more -
How to Improve Your Cats’ Life Quality?
To make a pet of a high quality life, you are sure to understand your pet’s quality of life, but you can’t directly ask their feelings, but by observing the behavior of your pet, you can still know they open not happy today, such as appetite is exuberant, is very active, and have a pl...Read more -
Is it better to feed your cat fur cream or catgrass?
Cats lick their fur by nature, and they spend their whole lives licking it. The dense barbs on their tongues pull hair into their intestines and intestines, which accumulate over time into a ball of fur. Normally, cats can vomit or expel hair pills on their own, but if they can’t properly e...Read more